Our Manifesto

What makes you cross?

I believe that…

– Poor customer service is not acceptable if you want to have a successful business

– We need to listen to others more and only then can we truly understand how they are feeling and what is really important to them

– Lack of investment (time and money) in employees will not encourage them to perform at their best which can affect others around them and ultimately, they may move on elsewhere

– Being disorganised and not planning means we won’t be as effective plus can also lead to stress

– People who have leave litter are being selfish and directly spoiling our environment

– Recycling is essential to limiting the effects of climate change

– We should all recognise how precious the natural world is and the need to protect now and for future generations

What really should be DIFFERENT?

I will encourage…….

– Organisations to train every team member from onboarding, through every step of their journey with the company

– Better understanding of how individuals can affect the experience of others

– Recognising the individual attributes of our team members and knowing how to get the best out of them for the benefit of all (Employee, Employer, other Stakeholders, colleagues, shareholders, community)

– Organisations to improve their focus on and investment in their social impact and environmental footprint

What are you AGAINST?

I will never…….

– Take on a project or work with a company that I do not believe in

– Work with organisations that do not respect their employees

– Knowingly cause damage to any natural resources or places

– Allow my actions to negatively affect the nature and wildlife around me

What are you FOR?

I promise to…….

– Provide the very best support to organisations that want to improve their customer engagement and deliver more enlightened hospitality

– Help organisations to be more successful by converting more enquiries into definite bookings

– Provide training, coaching, and mentoring to enable individuals to perform at their very best

– Inspire teams to think positively and improve their daily motivation and well-beingSupport local charities by gifting time to them to improve their economic success